Tumbled Crystal - Mahogany Obsidian
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Here comes the master of growth from all gemstones, Obsidian! Obsidian is a stone with no boundaries or limitations, that works extremely fast and with great power, assisting growth by exposing flaws, weakness and blockages and bringing trust-enhancing and bringing out your qualities. This crystal will assist you by pointing out how to ameliorate all destructive and disempowering conditions, supporting and guiding its wearer and working as a vacuum cleaner for any negative emotions, healing traumas.
Mahogany Obsidian has a gentle energy. It is a grounding and protective stone, bringing strength for its wearer in times of need. It vitalizes purpose, eliminates energy blockages, and stimulates growth on all levels.
Healing Properties:
Grounding, Protection, Strengthening, Purpose, Growth, Strengthen the Aura, Relieves pain, heals the sacral and solar plexus chakra.
Star Sign:
- Scorpio
- Solar Plexus
- Sacral
- Root
- Earth
- Fire
How to use:
Wear this gemstone in jewellery or place it as appropriate in your ambient.
Crystal affirmation phrase:
“I am powerful and protected!”